D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 202
Attribute Description Valid Value(s)
filter-id (network
access mode only)
Security access control list (ACL), to permit or
deny traffic received (input) or sent (output) by
the switch.
Name of an existing security ACL, up to 253
alphanumeric characters, with no tabs or
• Use acl-name.in to filter traffic that enters
the switch from users via an AP access
port or wired authentication port, or from
the network via a network port.
• Use acl-name.out to filter traffic sent from
the switch to users via an AP access port
or wired authentication port, or from the
network via a network port.
Note: If the Filter-Id value returned through the
authentication and authorization process does
not match the name of a committed security
ACL in the switch, the user fails authorization
and is unable to authenticate.
service-type Type of access the user is requesting.
One of the following numbers:
• 2—Framed; for network user access
• 6—Administrative; for administrative access
to the switch, with authorization to access
the enabled (configuration) mode. The user
must enter the enable command and the
correct enable password to access the
enabled mode.
• 7—NAS-Prompt; for administrative access
to the nonenabled mode only. In this mode,
the user can still enter the enable command
and the correct enable password to access
the enabled mode.
For administrative sessions, the switch always
sends 6 (Administrative). The RADIUS server
can reply with one of the values listed above.
If the service-type is not set on the RADIUS
server, administrative users receive NAS-
Prompt access, and network users receive
Framed access.
(network access mode
Maximum number of seconds for the user’s
Number between 0 and 4,294,967,296 seconds
(approximately 136.2 years).
Note: If the global reauthentication timeout
(set by the set dot1x reauth-period command)
is shorter than the session-timeout, MSS uses
the global timeout instead.
ssid (network access
mode only)
SSID the user is allowed to access after
Name of the SSID you want the user to use.
The SSID must be configured in a service
profile, and the service profile must be used by
a radio profile assigned to D-Link radios in the
Date and time at which the user becomes
eligible to access the network. MSS does
not authenticate the user unless the attempt
to access the network occurs at or after the
specified date and time, but before the end-
date (if specified).
Date and time, in the following format:
You can use start-date alone or with end-date.
You also can use start-date, end-date, or both
in conjunction with time-of-day.