D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 215
crypto ca-certificate
Installs a certificate authority’s own PKCS#7 certificate into the switch certificate and key storage
Syntax: crypto ca-certificate {admin | eap | web}
admin Stores the certificate authority’s certificate that signed the administrative
certificate for the switch. The administrative certificate authenticates
the switch to Web View.
eap Stores the certificate authority’s certificate that signed the Extensible
Authentication Protocol (EAP) certificate for the switch. The EAP
certificate authenticates the switch to 802.1X supplicants (clients).
web Stores the certificate authority’s certificate that signed the WebAAA
certificate for the switch. The Web certificate authenticates the
switch to clients who use WebAAA.
PEM-formatted-certificate ASCII text representation of the certificate authority PKCS#7
certificate, consisting of up to 5120 characters that you have obtained
from the certificate authority.
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: The Privacy-Enhanced Mail protocol (PEM) format is used for representing a PKCS#7
certificate in ASCII text. PEM uses base64 encoding to convert the certificate to ASCII text, then
puts the encoded text between the following delimiters:
To use this command, you must already have obtained a copy of the certificate authority’s
certificate as a PKCS#7 object file. Then do the following:
1. Open the PKCS#7 object file with an ASCII text editor such as Notepad orvi.
2. Enter the crypto ca-certificate command on the CLI command line.
3. When MSS prompts you for the PEM-formatted certificate, paste the PKCS#7 object file
onto the command line.