D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 308
Examples The following command disables and resets radio 2 on the DWL-8220AP access point
connected to port 3:
DWS-1008# clear ap 3 radio 2
clear dap boot-configuration
Removes the static IP address configuration for a Distributed AP.
Syntax: clear dap boot-configuration dap-num
dap dap-num
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled
Usage: When the static IP configuration is cleared for a Distributed AP, the next time the Distributed
AP is rebooted, it uses the standard boot process.
Examples: The following command clears the static IP address configuration for Distributed AP
DWS-1008# clear dap 1 boot-configuration
This will clear specified DAP devices. Would you like to continue? (y/n)
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set dap boot-ip
• set dap boot-switch
• set dap boot-vlan
• show dap boot-configuration
Number of the Distributed AP for which you are clearing static IP