D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 441
Field Description
Bridge ID Priority This switch’s bridge priority.
Bridge Max Age This switch’s maximum acceptable age for hello packets.
Bridge Hello Time This switch’s hello interval.
Bridge Forward Delay This switch’s forwarding delay value.
Port number.
Note: Only network ports are listed. STP does not apply to access point ports or wired
authentication ports.
STP-State or Port-State
STP state of the port:
• Blocking—The port is not forwarding Layer 2 traffic but is listening to and forwarding
STP control traffic.
• Disabled—This state can indicate any of the following conditions:
• The port is inactive.
• The port is disabled.
• STP is enabled on the port but the port is not forwarding traffic. (The port is active
and enabled but STP has just started to come up.)
• Forwarding—The port is forwarding Layer 2 traffic.
• Learning—The port is learning the locations of other devices in the spanning tree
before changing state to forwarding.
• Listening—The port is comparing its own STP information with information in STP
control packets received by the port to compute the spanning tree and change state
to blocking or forwarding.
• STP Off—STP is disabled on the port.
Cost STP cost of the port.
Prio STP priority of the port.
State of the uplink fast convergence feature:
• Enabled
• Disabled
See Also:
• show spantree blockedports