D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 382
Defaults: Disabled.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: If the SODA agent checks fail on a client, by default the client is disconnected from
the network. Optionally, you can specify a failure page for the client to load (with the set
service-profile soda failure-page command). When the failure page is loaded, you can optionally
specify a remediation ACL to apply to the client. The remediation ACL can be used to grant the
client limited access to network resources, for example. If there is no remediation ACL configured,
then the client is disconnected from the network when the failure page is loaded.
This functionality occurs only when the enforce checks option is enabled for the service profile.
The enforce checks option is enabled by default.
Examples: The following command configures the DWS-1008 to apply acl-1 to a client when it
loads the failure page:
DWS-1008# set service-profile sp1 soda remediation-acl acl-1
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set service-profile soda enforce-checks
• set service-profile soda failure-page
• show service-profile
set service-profile soda success-page
Specifies a page on the DWL-1008 switch that is loaded when a client passes the security checks
performed by the SODA agent.
Syntax: set service-profile name soda success-page page
Defaults: By default, the DWL-1008 switch generates a page indicating that the client passed
the SODA agent checks.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: Use this command to specify a custom page that is loaded by the client when it passes
the checks performed by the SODA agent. After this page is loaded, the client is placed in its
assigned VLAN and granted access to the network.
Service profile name.
Page that is loaded if the client passes the security checks performed by the
SODA agent.