D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 65
set fdb agingtime
Changes the aging timeout period for dynamic entries in the forwarding database.
Syntax: set fdb agingtime vlan-id age seconds
vlan-id VLAN name or number. The timeout period change applies only to entries
that match the specified VLAN.
age seconds Value for the timeout period, in seconds. You can specify a value from
0 through 1,000,000. If you change the timeout period to 0, aging is
Defaults: The aging timeout period is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command changes the aging timeout period to 600 seconds for entries
that match VLAN orange:
DWS-1008# set fdb agingtime orange age 600
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• show fdb agingtime
set security l2-restrict
Restricts Layer 2 forwarding between clients in the same VLAN. When you restrict Layer 2
forwarding in a VLAN, MSS allows Layer 2 forwarding only between a client and a set of MAC
addresses, generally the VLAN’s default routers. Clients within the VLAN are not permitted to
communicate among themselves directly. To communicate with another client, the client must
use one of the specified default routers.
Syntax: set security l2-restrict vlan vlan-id [mode {enable | disable}] [permit-mac mac-addr
vlan-id VLAN name or number.
mode {enable | disable} Enables or disables restriction of Layer 2 forwarding.
permit-mac mac-addr MAC addresses to which clients are allowed to forward data at
[mac-addr] Layer 2. You can specify up to four addresses.