D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 265
show sessions network session-id Output
Field Description
Local Id
Identifier for the session on this particular switch. (This is the session ID you specify when
entering the show sessions network session-id command.)
Global Id Unique session identifier within the network.
Status of the session:
• AUTH, ASSOC REQ—Client is being associated by the 802.1X protocol.
• AUTH AND ASSOC—Client is being associated by the 802.1X protocol, and the user
is being authenticated.
• AUTHORIZING—User has been authenticated (for example, by the 802.1X protocol
and an AAA method), and is entering AAA authorization.
• AUTHORIZED—User has been authorized by an AAA method.
• ACTIVE—User’s AAA attributes have been applied, and the user is active on the
• DEASSOCIATED—One of the following:
• Wireless client has sent the switch a disassociate message.
• User associated with one of the current switch’s access points has appeared at
another switch in the network.
• STATUS UPDATED—switch is receiving a final update from an access point about the
user, who has roamed away.
• WEB_AUTHING—User is being authenticated by WebAAA.
• WIRED AUTH’ING—User is being authenticated by the 802.1X protocol on a wired
authentication port.
• KILLING—User’s session is being cleared, because of 802.1X authentication failure,
entry of a clear command, or some other event.
SSID Name of the SSID the user is on.
Port/Radio Number of the port and radio through which the user is accessing this session.
MAC address MAC address of the session user.
User Name
Name of the authenticated user of this session
IP Address IP address of the session user.
Vlan Name Name of the VLAN associated with the session.
Tag System-wide supported VLAN tag type.
Session Start Indicates when the session started.
Last Auth Time Indicates when the most recent authentication of the session occurred.
Last Activity Indicates when the last activity (transmission) occurred on the session.
Session Timeout Assigned session timeout in seconds.
Idle Time-To-Live
Number of seconds the session can remain idle before MSS changes the session state
to Disassociated.
Login Type
Authentication type used to log onto the network:
EAP Method
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) type used to authenticate the session user, and
the IP address of the authentication server.
Session statistics
as updated from AP
Time the session statistics were last updated from the access point, in seconds since a
fixed standard date and time.
Unicast packets in Total number of unicast packets received from the user by the switch (64-bit counter).
Unicast bytes in Total number of unicast bytes received from the user by the switch (64-bit counter).
Unicast packets out Total number of unicast packets sent by the switch to the user (64-bit counter).