D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 340
set radio-profile auto-tune power-lockdown
Locks down the current power settings on all radios in a radio profile. The power settings that are
in effect when the command is entered are changed into statically configured power settings on
the radios. RF Auto-Tuning of power is then disabled in the radio profile.
Syntax: set radio-profile name auto-tune power-lockdown
Defaults: By default, when RF Auto-Tuning of power is enabled, power settings continue to be
changed dynamically based on network conditions.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: To save this command and the static power configuration commands created when you
enter this command, save the configuration.
Examples: The following command locks down the power settings for radios in radio profile
DWS-1008# set radio-profile rp2 auto-tune power-lockdown
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set {ap | dap} radio auto-tune max-power
• set radio-profile auto-tune channel-lockdown
• set radio-profile auto-tune power-config
• set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval
• set radio-profile auto-tune power-ramp-interval
Radio profile name.
set radio-profile auto-tune power-ramp-interval
Changes the interval at which power is increased or decreased, in 1 dBm increments, on radios
in a radio profile until the optimum power level calculated by RF Auto-Tuning is reached.
Syntax: set radio-profile name auto-tune power-ramp-interval seconds
Radio profile name.
Number of seconds MSS waits before increasing or decreasing radio power by
another 1 dBm. You can specify from 1 to 65535.