D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 232
To disable load balancing in a server group shorebirds, type the following command:
DWS-1008# set server group shorebirds load-balance disable
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set server group
set radius
Configures global defaults for RADIUS servers that do not explicitly set these values themselves.
By default, the switch automatically sets all these values except the password (key).
Syntax: set radius {deadtime minutes | encrypted-key string | key string | retransmit number
| timeout seconds}
deadtime minutes Number of minutes the switch waits after declaring an unresponsive
RADIUS server unavailable before retrying the RADIUS server. You
can specify from 0 to 1440 minutes.
encrypted-key string Password (shared secret key) used to authenticate to the RADIUS
server, entered in its encrypted form. You must provide the same
encrypted password that is defined on the RADIUS server. The
password can be 1 to 64 characters long, with no spaces or tabs.
MSS does not encrypt the string you enter, and instead displays the
string in show config and show aaa output exactly as you entered it.
Note: Use this option only if you are entering the key in its encrypted
form. To enter the key in unencrypted form, use the key string option
key string Password (shared secret key) used to authenticate to the RADIUS
server, entered in its unencrypted form. You must provide the same
password that is defined on the RADIUS server. The password can
be 1 to 64 characters long, with no spaces or tabs. MSS encrypts the
displayed form of the string in show config and show aaa output.
retransmit number Number of transmission attempts the switch makes before declaring
an unresponsive RADIUS server unavailable. You can specify from
1 to100 retries.
timeout seconds Number of seconds the switch waits for the RADIUS server to
respond before retransmitting. You can specify from 1 to 65,535.