D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 398
show {ap | dap} counters
Displays DWL-8220AP access point and radio statistics counters.
Syntax: show ap counters [port-list [radio {1 | 2}]]
Syntax: show dap counters [dap-num [radio {1 | 2}]]
radio 1
radio 2
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: To display statistics counters and other information for individual user sessions, use the
show sessions network command.
Examples: The following command shows statistics counters for Distributed AP 7:
DWS-1008# show dap counters 7
DAP: 7 r adio: 1
LastPktXferRate 2 PktTxCount 73473
NumCntInPwrSave 0 MultiPktDrop 0
LastPktRxSigStrength -89 MultiBytDrop 0
LastPktSigNoiseRatio 4 User Sessions 0
TKIP Pkt Transfer Ct 0 MIC Error Ct 0
TKIP Pkt Replays 0 TKIP Decrypt Err 0
CCMP Pkt Decrypt Err 0 CCMP Pkt Replays 0
CCMP Pkt Transfer Ct 0 RadioResets 0
Radio Recv Phy Err Ct 0 Transmit Retries 60501
Radio Adjusted Tx Pwr 15 Noise Floor -93
802.3 Packet Tx Ct 0 802.3 Packet Rx Ct 0
No Receive Descriptor 0
List of ports connected to the DWL-8220AP access point(s) for which to display
statistics counters.
Number of a Distributed AP for which to display statistics counters.
Shows statistics counters for radio 1.
Shows statistics counters for radio 2.