D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 350
set radio-profile qos-mode
Sets the prioritization mode for forwarding queues on AP radios managed by the radio profile.
Syntax: set radio-profile name qos-mode {svp | wmm}
Defaults: The default QoS mode is wmm.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: When SVP is enabled, AP forwarding prioritization is optimized for SpectraLink Voice
Priority (SVP) instead of WMM, and the AP does not tag packets it sends to the DWS-1008.
Otherwise, classification and tagging remain in effect.
If you plan to use SVP or another non-WMM type of prioritization, you must configure ACLs to
tag the packets.
Examples: The following command changes the QoS mode for radio profile rp1 to SVP:
DWS-1008# set radio-profile rp1 qos-mode svp
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set radio-profile mode 6
• show radio-profile
Radio profile name.
Optimizes forwarding prioritization of AP radios for SpectraLink Voice Priority
Classifies and marks traffic based on 802.1p and DSCP, and optimizes forwarding
prioritization of AP radios for Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM).
set radio-profile rfid-mode
Enables AP radios managed by a radio profile to function as location receivers in an AeroScout
Visibility System. An AeroScout Visibility System allows system administrators to track mobile
assets using RFID tags.
When you enable RFID mode on a radio profile, radios in the profile can receive and process
signals transmitted by RFID tags and relay them with related information to the AeroScout