Catalyst 2960 and 2960-S Switch Software Configuration Guide
Ports in Authorized and Unauthorized States 10-11
802.1x Authentication and Switch Stacks 10-12
802.1x Host Mode 10-13
Multidomain Authentication 10-13
802.1x Multiple Authentication Mode 10-15
MAC Move 10-16
MAC Replace 10-16
802.1x Accounting 10-17
802.1x Accounting Attribute-Value Pairs 10-17
802.1x Readiness Check 10-18
802.1x Authentication with VLAN Assignment 10-19
Using 802.1x Authentication with Per-User ACLs 10-20
802.1x Authentication with Downloadable ACLs and Redirect URLs 10-21
Cisco Secure ACS and Attribute-Value Pairs for the Redirect URL 10-23
Cisco Secure ACS and Attribute-Value Pairs for Downloadable ACLs 10-23
VLAN ID-based MAC Authentication 10-23
802.1x Authentication with Guest VLAN 10-24
802.1x Authentication with Restricted VLAN 10-25
802.1x Authentication with Inaccessible Authentication Bypass 10-26
Support on Multiple-Authentication Ports 10-26
Authentication Results 10-26
Feature Interactions 10-27
802.1x Authentication with Voice VLAN Ports 10-27
802.1x Authentication with Port Security 10-28
802.1x Authentication with Wake-on-LAN 10-29
802.1x Authentication with MAC Authentication Bypass 10-30
802.1x User Distribution 10-31
802.1x User Distribution Configuration Guidelines 10-31
Network Admission Control Layer 2 802.1x Validation 10-32
Flexible Authentication Ordering 10-32
Open1x Authentication 10-33
Using Voice Aware 802.1x Security 10-33
802.1x Supplicant and Authenticator Switches with Network Edge Access Topology (NEAT) 10-33
Guidelines 10-34
Using IEEE 802.1x Authentication with ACLs and the RADIUS Filter-Id Attribute 10-35
Common Session ID 10-35
Configuring 802.1x Authentication 10-36
Default 802.1x Authentication Configuration 10-37
802.1x Authentication Configuration Guidelines 10-38
802.1x Authentication 10-38