Section 37 Electrical Characteristics
Page 2030 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
37.4.13 NAND Type Flash Memory Controller Timing
Table 37.17 NAND Type Flash Memory Interface Timing
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit Figure
Command output setup time t
NCDS 2 tfcyc 10 ns Figures 37.60,
Command output hold time tNCDH 1.5 tfcyc 5 ns
Data output setup time tNDOS 0.5 twfcyc 5 ns Figures 37.60,
37.61, 37.63,
Data output hold time tNDOH 0.5 twfcyc 10 ns
Command to address transition
time 1
tNCDAD1 1.5 tfcyc 10 ns Figures 37.60,
Command to address transition
time 2
tNCDAD2 2 tfcyc 10 ns Figure 37.61
FWE cycle time tNWC twfcyc 5 ns Figures 37.61,
FWE low pulse width tNWP 0.5 twfcyc 5 ns Figures 37.60,
37.61, 37.63,
FWE high pulse width tNWH 0.5 twfcyc 5 ns Figures 37.61,
Address to ready/busy transition time tNADRB 32 tpcyc ns Figures 37.61,
Command to ready/busy transition
tNCDRB 10 tpcyc ns Figures 37.61,
Ready/busy to data read transition
time 1
tNRBDR1 1.5 tfcyc ns Figure 37.62
Ready/busy to data read transition
time 2
tNRBDR2 32 tpcyc ns
FRE cycle time tNSCC twfcyc 5 ns
FRE low pulse width tNSP 0.5 twfcyc 5 ns Figures 37.62,