Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-55
System Tasks
Step 2. Use the -s option to indicate the required new state
of the component. Valid state entries are: UNAVAIL,
Step 3. To receive a report on all configured storage
subsystem and drive components in the system, run
fschstate command with out options.
Add and Delete
Adding and deleting drives from an Automated Media Library
(AML) requires technical support assistance. The robot inside
the AML requires reteaching and the robotic database will need
to be update with special support equipment used by trained
ADIC technical personnel.
After this is done, the drives can be configured by the system
To add a drive, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Performed by ADIC technical support.
• Install drive in AML configuration.
• Teach robot (teaching automatically updates the
robotic database).
• Create new library.
• Remap the library.
Step 2. Performed by VolServ system administrator.
• Define new tape drive and specify media type.
• Associate new drive with VolServ library being
used by FileServ.
Step 3. Loginasroot user.