Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A Utilities 3-3
The $FS_HOME/util directory contains software tools used to
simplify various operations. An explanation of each software
tool is explained in the
.README files.
The fspic utility displays a status of the FileServ system
• Hardware components.
• Media mounted in drives.
• Number of minutes since the media was accessed.
This utility also monitors disk usage for all migration file
systems under FileServ, as well as certain database locations.
All information is updated at regular intervals.
The autostart scripts are platform-specific. The scripts were
added to the
$FS_HOME/util/autostart directory. These
scripts allow the user to automatically:
• Startandstopthefs_dmapi daemon.
• Mount and unmount the FileServ controlled file systems.
• Startandstopthe
lock_manager process.
• Start up and stop FileServ.
Starting the
fs_dmapi and lock_manager processes, and
mounting of the FileServ controlled DMAPI file system must
be done prior to starting FileServ. These functions can be
performed manually, but the autostart scripts allow this to
occur automatically. For more information, refer to the .
file on these scripts.