Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-25
System Tasks
To ensure an orderly shutdown of FileServ, any processing must
be terminated gracefully.
All components must be shut down in the sequence as follows:
Step 1. Shut down FileServ.
Step 2. Shut down VolServ.
Step 3. Shut down Ingres database software.
Step 1. Run a system-wide broadcast message that states
FileServ will be terminated. Use the UNIX
command to issue a message similar to the one
below to all hosts and their clients on the network.
Step 2. Repeat the broadcast before termination.
Step 3. Run the FileServ -t command. The following
message is returned.
Files being actively transferred to media,orfrom
media are completed. File transfer requests awaiting
resources are terminated and a request aborted status
is returned to the user.
All files are closed and cleanup is performed to
ensure that the system is in the proper state to allow
an orderly restart.
FileServ services will be terminated in
n minutes
FS0285 Termination requested by user.
FS0294 Are you sure you wish to
continue? (y/<n>):y