600716 Rev A Operating Tasks 2-31
Operaitng Tasks
Minimum Time
The mintime is the minimum amount of time after the file is
written or read before any policy action is taken. The mintime
determines eligibility for file storage and for file removal from
disk. For the cleanup policy, mintime is calculated as the time
elapsed after a file was stored on media before being removed
from disk.
Setting both the
File Cleanup Action and Minimum Time
parameters tend to keep available disk space high by freeing
disk blocks as soon as possible (the immediate setting). These
parameters keep active files available on disk as long as
possible, thus freeing disk space as files become inactive.
However, setting the
File Cleanup Action and Minimum
parameters does not establish the DataClass migration
behavior of the files.
Rather, the planned execution of migration and disk cleanup
policies as well as the DataClass characteristics provide the
overall migration behavior for DataClass groups.
Migration management includes the application of storage and
cleanup policies using the
fspolicy command with various
options. Changing the overflow parameters in the
fstab file
also affects migration.
In this case, active means frequently accessed.