600716 Rev A Operating Tasks 2-27
Operaitng Tasks
Files can then share DataClass group parameters with other
files in the DataClass group. These files deviate in how policy is
applied and in the number of copies of that file that are allowed
on media. The fschfiat command allows fine tuning of the
file’s attributes without changing the characteristics of the
entire DataClass group.
For example, the common home directory files .cshrc and
.login, are used each time a user logs into the system. However,
they are excluded from the cleanup policy application to avoid a
delay during the login process.
For example, the
fsstore -f i (truncate immediately after
storing) or
-f p (truncate according to the policy application)
options cannot be used if the file is excluded from truncation.
Step 1. Run the
fschfiat command.
Use the appropriate options, as needed. For option
information, refer to the Command Reference book.
Step 2. Verify the change by running the fsfileinfo
% fschfiat -i test1