Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A Trouble- shooting Tools 4-13
Use the UNIX mkdir command to create the parent
and rerun the fsaudit -r -f command.
If the procedure fails, call technical support.
Step 5. Run the keyBuildAll utility to update the key
files in the database.
Step 6. Run fsaudit -f twice on the recovered file
• The first time
fsaudit -f will clean up
discrepancies left by the audit recovery.
• The second time it should not find any problems.
If it does find a problem, continue running
fsaudit -f until all remaining discrepancies
are cleared.
Step 7. To remove invalid candidate files, perform the
Step 8. To rebuild the candidate lists, run the following:
% cd $FS_HOME/internal/policy_dir/
rm *
% cd ../trunc_candidates
% fspolicy -s -y <all archival\
filesystems> -w
% fspolicy -t -y <all archival\
filesystems> -w