Section 16 Renesas Serial Peripheral Interface
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 809 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Mode Slave (SPI Operation) Master (SPI Operation)
Transmit buffer empty detection Supported Supported
Receive buffer full detection Supported Supported
Overrun error detection Supported Not Supported
Mode fault error detection Supported (MODFEN = 1) Not supported
16.4.2 Pin Control
According to the MSTR bit in the control register (SPCR), this module can automatically switch
pin directions and output modes. Table 16.5 shows the relationship between pin states and bit
Table 16.5 Relationship between Pin States and Bit Settings
Mode Pin Pin State*
Master mode
(SPI operation)
(MSTR = 1)
SSL CMOS output
MOSI CMOS output
MISO Input
Slave mode
(SPI operation)
(MSTR = 0)
SSL Input
MOSI Input
MISO* CMOS output/Hi-Z
Note: When SSL is at the non-active level or the SPE bit in SPCR is clear to 0, the pin state is
This module in master mode (SPI operation) determines MOSI signal values during the SSL
negation period (including the SSL retention period during a burst transfer) according to MOIFE
and MOIFV bit settings in SPPCR, as shown in table 16.6.
Table 16.6 MOSI Signal Value Determination during SSL Negation Period
MOIFE MOIFV MOSI Signal Value during SSL Negation Period
0 0, 1 Final data from previous transfer
1 0 Always 0
1 1 Always 1