Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
Page 610 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
11.7.16 Overflow Flags in Reset Synchronous PWM Mode
When set to reset synchronous PWM mode, TCNT_3 and TCNT_4 start counting when the CST3
bit of TSTR is set to 1. At this point, TCNT_4's count clock source and count edge obey the
TCR_3 setting.
In reset synchronous PWM mode, with cycle register TGRA_3's set value at H'FFFF, when
specifying TGR3A compare-match for the counter clear source, TCNT_3 and TCNT_4 count up
to H'FFFF, then a compare-match occurs with TGRA_3, and TCNT_3 and TCNT_4 are both
cleared. At this point, TSR's overflow flag TCFV bit is not set.
Figure 11.110 shows a TCFV bit operation example in reset synchronous PWM mode with a set
value for cycle register TGRA_3 of H'FFFF, when a TGRA_3 compare-match has been specified
without synchronous setting for the counter clear source.
Counter cleared by compare match 3A
Not set
Not set
Figure 11.110 Reset Synchronous PWM Mode Overflow Flag