Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
Page 1388 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
R/W Description
8 PIPE8BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE8
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
7 PIPE7BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE7
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
6 PIPE6BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE6
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
5 PIPE5BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE5
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
4 PIPE4BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE4
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
3 PIPE3BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE3
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
2 PIPE2BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE2
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
1 PIPE1BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE1
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
0 PIPE0BEMPE 0 R/W BEMP Interrupt Enable for PIPE0
0: Interrupt output disabled
1: Interrupt output enabled
26.3.15 SOF Output Configuration Register (SOFCFG)
SOFCFG is a register that specifies the transaction-enabled time and BRDY interrupt status clear
This register is initialized by a power-on reset.