7.3 Error indication
The last cause of error and the last 10 error messages are stored. You
can display the last 10 error messages using the commissioning soft-
ware and the fieldbus.
Asynchronous errors Asynchronous errors are triggered by internal monitoring (for example,
temperature) or by external monitoring (for example, limit switch). An
error response is initiated if an asynchronous error occurs.
Asynchronous errors are indicated in the following way:
Transition to operating state 7 Quick Stop Active or to operating
state 9 Fault.
Information in the words "driveStat", "mfStat", "motionStat" and
"driveInput" during I/O scanning, see chapter
" I/O scanning Input"
Error number is written to parameter _LastError
The parameters _LastError or _LastWarning can be used in the
input mapping for I/O scanning. This way, error numbers are easy to
read out.
Modbus response
Depending on the type of processing, two types of Modbus responses
are possible:
Positive Modbus response
The "Function Code" in the Modbus response corresponds to
the "Function Code" in the Modbus request.
Negative Modbus response
The client receives pertinent information on error detection dur-
ing processing;
The "Function Code" in Modbus response corresponds to the
"Function Code" in the Modbus request + 80
The "Exception Code" indicates the cause of the error.
If a syntactically incorrect Modbus PDU (Protocol Data Unit) is trans-
mitted, the connection is terminated. In the case of other other error, a
negative Modbus response is sent.
7 Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Modbus-TCP module
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