6 • Configuring FR and ATM features Model 3096RC G.SHDSL T-DAC Administrators’ Reference Guide
72 Frame Relay Service Interworking (FRF.8)
The frs set group command allows the user to setup the configuration of the group variables. The following
example could be used to set the DEMapping variable to “convert”.
At the end of the first line the ? was selected and the system prompted the
user with the possible options available.
frs set group 1 DEMapping ?
frs set chn1 DEMapping convert
Set variable attributes on a specified channel
Command: frs set channel # <variable> <value>
The following example could be used to set the DLCI variable to 171.
frs set channel 1 DLCI 171
Web Configuration Methods
The following documentation defines how to configure the FRS channel connections using the web interface
on the Model 3086FR. All web interface screens our found under the IWF link.
FRS Overview Screen
By selecting the “FRS Setup (FRF.8)” link below the IWF heading will bring up an overview of the FRS con-
nection available within the system. This page shows a top level view of the eight groups available. The “Group
#” column along the left side of the screen is a hyperlink that will bring up detailed configuration information
about each group and the channels available in the group.
Figure 25. Top Level Configuration Menu