Configuring the DSL interface using the CLI 49
Model 3086FR ATM IAD User Guide 5 • Configuring the DSL and serial ports
To enter annex B type:
--> gshdsl set ghsannex AnnexB
For Annex A type:
--> gshdsl set ghsannex AnnexA
Line Probe
This is not a required step. Line probe is a tool used to determine maximum achievable rate when initially con-
necting 3086 to a copper line of unknown quality. Set this feature to “Enable” on both 3086s at each end of
the link. Once line probe measurements have been completed set this feature to “Disabled”
--> gshdsl set LineProbe
--> gshdsl set LineProbe Disable
Error Monitors
Error monitor will watch the DSL line parameters and determine whether or not the current DSL link is capa-
ble of passing error free data. The error monitor will accumulate DSL line statistics (CRC count, FIFO errors,
LOSW count, etc..) and make a determination on whether or not to drop DSL link and retrain based on the
thresholds setup by the user
Error Monitor Max Interval Errors
Number of allowable errors per interval. Default = 3
--> gshdsl set errMonIntervalThreshold 3
Error Monitor Interval Time (sec)
Length in seconds of the current interval. Default = 1
--> gshdsl set errMonIntervalTime 1
Error Monitor Interval Count
Number of intervals in error before the DSL link is restarted. Default = 3
--> gshdsl set errMonIntervalCnt 3
Error Monitor Total Intervals
Error Monitor Start Up Delay
Amount of time to wait, after the link is up, before monitoring the DSL link. Default = 5
--> gshdsl set errMonStartupDelay 5
Once you have entered the options, at the command prompt type:
-->system config save to save the configuration.