Section 7 Interrupt Controller
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 165 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
1 NMIF 0 R NMI Interrupt Request
This bit indicates the status of the NMI interrupt
request. This bit cannot be modified.
0: NMI interrupt request has not occurred
[Clearing conditions]
Cleared by changing NMIE of ICR0
Cleared by executing NMI interrupt exception
1: NMI interrupt request is detected
[Setting condition]
Edge corresponding to NMIE of ICR0 has occurred
at NMI pin
Note: Only 640-Kbyte version is valid. For 1-Mbyte
version, this bit is reserved and always read as 0.
The write value should always be 0.
0 NMIM 1 R/(W)
NMI Mask
Selects whether to enable interrupt request input to
external interrupt input pin NMI.
0: NMI input interrupt request is enabled
1: NMI input interrupt request is masked
Note: Only 640-Kbyte version is valid. For 1-Mbyte
version, this bit is reserved and always read as 0.
The write value should always be 0.