5 - 19
Code 128
0 Standard data packet, No Function code 1 in first symbol position.
1 Function code 1 in first symbol character position.
2 Function code 1 in second symbol character position.
Example: A Code (EAN) 128 bar code with Function 1 character in the first position,
Aim Id
is transmitted as ]ClAimId
I 2 of 5
0 No check digit processing.
1 Reader has validated check digit.
3 Reader has validated and stripped check digit .
Example: An I 2 of 5 bar code without check digit, 4123, is transmitted as ]I04123
0 No check digit processing.
1 Reader has checked check digit.
3 Reader has stripped check digit before transmission.
Example: A Codabar bar code without check digit, 4123, is transmitted as ]F04123
Code 93
0 No options specified at this time. Always transmit 0.
Example: A Code 93 bar code 012345678905 is transmitted as ]G0012345678905
MSI Plessey
0 Single check digit checked.
1 Two check digits checked.
2 Single check digit verified and stripped before transmission.
3 Two check digits verified and stripped before transmission.
Example: An MSI Plessey bar code 4123, with a single check digit checked, is transmitted as
D 2 of 5
0 No options specified at this time. Always transmit 0.
Example: A D 2 of 5 bar code 4123, is transmitted as ]S04123
0 Standard packet in full EAN country code format, which is 13 digits for UPC-A and UPC-E (not
including supplemental data).
1 Two digit supplement data only
2 Five digit supplement data only
4 EAN-8 data packet.
Example: A UPC-A bar code 012345678905 is transmitted as ]E00012345678905
Bookland EAN
0 No options specified at this time. Always transmit 0.
Example: A Bookland EAN bar code 123456789X is transmitted as ]X0123456789X
Code 11
0 Single check digit.
1 Two check digits.
3 Check characters validated but not transmitted.