Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Card Installation Guide
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
T3 DFC ACTIVITY (ACT) Fast flicker Indicates DFC is up and running.
Slow flicker Indicates DFC is not yet fully
OK/MAINT On (Green) The CT3 DFC passed initial
power-up diagnostics tests and is
operating normally.
Yellow The CT3 DFC is not functioning. See
the console for messages.
Off Indicates that all calls associated
with the DFC are shut down and it is
safe to remove the card with the
system powered on.
M13 Alarm (MA) On Indicates the presence of one of the
following on the CT3 line:
Received Alarm Indication Signal
(RAIS), Loss Of Signal (LOS),
Receive RED Alarm (RRED), or a
Far-End Receive Failure(RFERF).
Off Remains off when operating
condition is normal.
Remote Alarm
On Indicates a T1 alarm condition
encountered by software.
Off Remains off when operating
condition is normal.
Local Alarm (LA) On Indicates a T1 alarm condition
encountered by software for a
particular port.
Off Remains off when operating
condition is normal.
T3 EN/DIS Green Indicates a CT3 card line connection
enabling normal operation.
Yellow Normal operation is disabled.
Low signal (LOS) On Indicates the CT3 LIU is
experiencing a loss of signal.
Off Remains off when operating
condition is normal.
Network Loop
On Indicates that at least one T1 is
Off Remains off when operating
condition is normal.
Table 6-1 LEDs (continued)
DFC LED State Description