8.5.2 Acceleration time and deceleration time
Pr. 7 "acceleration time"
Pr. 8 "deceleration time"
Pr. 20 "acceleration/deceleration reference speed"
Pr. Setting Range Unit
7, 8 0.00 to 60.00 s
20 1 to 7200 r/min
In Pr. 7, set the time required to increase the speed from a start to the speed set
in Pr. 20.
In Pr. 8, set the time required to decrease the speed from the speed set in Pr. 20
to a stop.
Running speed
Pr.7 Pr.8
The minimum value of acceleration/deceleration time is 0.5s. Any
acceleration/deceleration time setting of less than 0.5 is handled as
The upper limit of acceleration time at up to 500r/min is 20s
(conversion value up to rated speed). When the acceleration time
setting is greater than 20s, therefore, the acceleration time required
to reach the acceleration/deceleration reference speed is
represented by the following expression and is shorter than the
preset acceleration time:
Required acceleration time = 1.4 + T1
T1 = (preset speed command - 500)
Pr. 7 setting
/Pr. 20 setting
During deceleration, the motor will coast at less than 300r/min.
Therefore, the time required for deceleration from the speed set in
Pr. 20 to 300r/min is as follows:
Required deceleration time = Pr. 8 setting
(Pr. 20 setting - 300)
/ Pr. 20 setting
A too short acceleration/deceleration time setting can cause an
abnormal stop due to overload, overcurrent or overvoltage. Make a
setting which will not display overload on the parameter unit.