Section 27 Video Display Controller 3
Page 1560 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(6) Controlling Video and Graphics Image Display Positions
This module provides functions for generating the Vsync and Hsync signals for video, graphics
images, and output to the panel with desired timings with respect to the reference Vsync signal.
The positions of the video and graphics image displayed on the panel are shown in figure 27.8.
The timing of the Vsync signal for video has a restriction because the period for buffering the
input video in the large-capacity on-chip RAM should be taken into account. For details, refer to
section 27.8, Usage Notes.
Reference Hsync
Hsync for output
to panel
Hsync can be generated
with a desired timing
with respect to reference
Hsync through register
Top-left corner of the panel
Register settings
Register settings
Video display area
Displayed at a desired position
with respect to Vsync and Hsync
Graphic display area
Displayed at a desired position
with respect to Vsync and Hsync
Reference Vsync
Vsync for output to panel
Vsync for video
Vsync for graphic image
Vsync can be generated
with a desired timing
with respect to reference
Vsync through register
Figure 27.8 Video and Graphics Image Display Positions on Panel