3 Data Logs
MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1 39
Table 3-1 Logs By Function Table (continued)
Logs Descriptions
ALMA/B Current decoded almanac data
DOPA/B DOP of SVs currently tracking
ETSA/B Provides channel tracking status information for each of the GPSCard parallel channels
GPALM NMEA, almanac data
GPGSA NMEA, SV DOP information
GPGSV NMEA, satellite-in-view information
RALA/B Raw almanac
RASA/B Raw GPS almanac set
RGEA/B/D Satellite range measurements
SATA/B Satellite specific information
SBTA/B Satellite broadcast data (raw symbols)
SVDA/B SV position (ECEF xyz)
WRCA/B Wide band range correction data (grouped format)
Logs Descriptions
GPRMB NMEA, waypoint status
GPRMC NMEA, navigation information
GPVTG NMEA, track made good and speed
GPZTG NMEA, time to destination
MKPA/B Position at time of mark input
NAVA/B Navigation waypoint status
POSA/B Position data
SPHA/B Speed and course over ground
VLHA/B Velocity, latency & direction over ground
Logs Descriptions
ALMA/B Current almanac information
CDSA/B COM port data transmission status
CMR Pseudorange and carrier phase data
PAVA/B Parameters being used in the position averaging process
RGEA/B/D Channel range measurements
RPSA/B Reference station position and health
RTCAA/B Transmits RTCA differential corrections in NovAtel ASCII or Binary
RTCM1 Transmits RTCM SC104 standard corrections
RTCM3 Reference position
RTCM1819 Uncorrected carrier phase and pseudorange measurements
RTCM22 Extended reference station parameters
RTCM59 NovAtel format RT-20 observation data
RTCMA/B Transmits RTCM information in NovAtel ASCII/binary
SATA/B Satellite specific information