C Commands Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1 109
This command implements position averaging for reference stations. Position averaging will continue for a
specified number of hours or until the averaged position is within specified accuracy limits. Averaging will stop
when the time limit or
the horizontal standard deviation limit or the vertical standard deviation limit is achieved.
When averaging is complete, the
FIX POSITION command will automatically be invoked.
If the maximum time is set to 1 hour or larger, positions will be averaged every 10 minutes and the standard
deviations reported in the
PAVA/B log should be correct. If the maximum time is set to less than 1 hour, positions
will be averaged once per minute and the standard deviations reported in the log will likely not be accurate; also,
the optional horizontal and vertical standard deviation limits cannot be used.
One could initiate differential logging, then issue the
POSAVE command followed by the SAVECONFIG command.
This will cause the GPSCard to average positions after every power-on or reset, then invoke the
command to enable it to send differential corrections.
posave 2,3,4
POSAVE maxtime maxhorstd maxverstd
Command Range Values Description
POSAVE - Command
maxtime 0.025 - 100 Maximum amount of time that positions are to be
averaged (hours). 1.5 to 60 minutes
mashorstd 0.1 - 100 Option: desired horizontal standard deviation (m)
maxverstd 0.1 - 100 Option: desired vertical standard deviation (m)