D Logs summary
216 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
SVDA/B SV Position in ECEF XYZ Coordinates with Corrections
When combined with a RGEA/B/D log, this data set contains all of the decoded satellite information necessary to
compute the solution: satellite coordinates (
ECEF WGS84), satellite clock correction, ionospheric corrections (from
broadcast model), tropospheric corrections (Hopfield model), decoded differential correction used and range
weight standard deviation. The corrections are to be added to the pseudoranges. Only those satellites that are
healthy are reported here. Also see Figure D-2, Page 185.
week seconds
rec clk err # obs
prn x y z clk corr ion corr trop corr diff corr rng std
prn x y z clk corr ion corr trop corr diff corr rng std
*xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $SVDA Log header $SVDA
2 week GPS week number 766
3 seconds GPS seconds into the week (receiver time, not corrected for clock
error, CLOCKADJUST enabled)
4 rec clk err Solved receiver clock error (metres) -4.062
5 # obs Number of satellite observations to follow 7
6 prn Satellite PRN number (1-32) 20
7 x Satellite x coordinate (metres) -15044774.225
8 y Satellite y coordinate (metres) -9666598.520
9 z Satellite z coordinate (metres) 19499537.398
10 clk corr Satellite clock correction (metres) 6676.013
11 ion corr Ionospheric correction (metres) -1.657
12 trop corr Tropospheric correction (metres) -2.662
13 diff corr Decoded differential correction used (metres) 16.975
14 rng std Range weight standard deviation (metres) 0.674
Next PRN number, x, y, z, clk corr, ion corr, trop corr, diff corr, mg std
Last PRN number, x, y, z, clk corr, ion corr, trop corr, diff corr, mg std
variable *xx Checksum *23
variable [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]