2 Command Descriptions
28 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
DIFF_PROTOCOL Differential correction message encoding and decoding for
implementation in the GPS card firmware
diff_protocol type key
or diff_protocol disable
or diff_protocol
DYNAMICS Set receiver dynamics dynamics option [user_dynamics]
ECUTOFF Set elevation cutoff angle ecutoff angle
EXTERNALCLOCK Sets default parameters of an optional external oscillator externalclock option
Sets clock rate external frequency clock rate
FIX HEIGHT Sets height for 2D navigation fix height height [auto]
FIX POSITION Set antenna coordinates for reference station fix position lat,lon,height [station id] [health]
FIX VELOCITY Accepts INS xyz (ECEF) input to aid in high velocity reacquisition of
fix velocity vx,vy,vz
UNFIX Remove all receiver FIX constraints unfix
FREQUENCY_OUT Variable frequency output (programmable) frequency_out n,k
FRESET Clears all data which is stored in non-volatile memory freset
HELP or ? On-line command help help option or ? option
LOCKOUT Lock out satellite lockout prn
UNLOCKOUT Restore satellite unlockout prn
UNLOCKOUTALL Restore all satellites unlockoutall
LOG Choose data logging type log [port],datatype,[trigger],[period],[offset],{hold}
UNLOG Disable a data log unlog [port],data type
UNLOGALL Disable all data logs unlogall
MAGVAR Set magnetic variation correction magvar value
MESSAGES Disable error reporting from command interpreter messages port,option
POSAVE Implements position averaging for reference station posave maxtime, maxhorstd, maxverstd
RESET Performs a hardware reset (OEM only) reset
RINEX Configure the user defined fields in the file headers rinex cfgtype
RTCM16T Enter an ASCII text message to be sent out in the RTCM data stream rtcm16t ascii message
RTCMRULE Set variations of the RTCM bit rule rtcmrule rule
RTKMODE Set up the RTK mode rrtkmode argument, data range
SAVEALMA Save the latest almanac in non-volatile memory savealma option
SAVECONFIG Save current configuration in non-volatile memory (OEM only) saveconfig
SEND Send an ASCII message to any of the communications ports send port ascii-message
SENDHEX Sends non-printable characters in hexadecimal pairs sendhex port data
SETDGPSID Enter in a reference station ID setdgpsid option
SETHEALTH Override PRN health sethealth prn,health
RESETHEALTH Reset PRN health resethealth prn
RESETHEALTHALL Reset all PRN health resethealthall
SETL1OFFSET Add an offset to the L1 pseudorange to compensate for signal delays setL1offset distance
SETNAV Set a destination waypoint setnav from lat,from lon,to lat, to lon,track offset, from
port,to port
SETTIMESYNC Enable or disable time synchronization settimesync flag
UNDULATION Choose undulation undulation separation
VERSION Current software and hardware information version