
584 Chapter 23 Salesforce.com Integration
Installing Salesforce.com Integration
Salesforce.com Integration is installed during the installation of Contact Center Management. To install
Salesforce.com Integration on a client computer, you must install the Client Component Pack.
To install Salesforce.com Integration
1. In Contact Center Management, click Help=>Software downloads/Installations.
2. Click Client Component Pack.
3. Follow the steps in the wizard to install Client Component Pack.
4. Once the installation is complete, click Start=>All Programs=>Mitel=>Client Role Selector.
5. Select a Supervisor, Agent, Administrator, or Power User role.
6. Click Next.
7. Select Salesforce Integration.
Selecting Salesforce Integration creates a shortcut to Salesforce.com on your desktop.
8. Click Finish.
Using Salesforce.com Integration
To use the soft phone embedded in Salesforce, you must first create a call center, add users to it, and
configure the soft phone layout from within the Salesforce user interface.
NOTE: Whenever you make changes to your call center settings, you must log out of and back into
Salesforce for these changes to take effect.
Creating your first call center
To use Salesforce.com Integration, you first create a call center.
To create a call center
1. In Salesforce, click Setup=>Customize=>Call Center=>Call Centers.
If the Introducing Call Center Edition splash page appears, click Continue.
2. Click Import.
3. Click Browse and navigate to the Salesforce.com Integration installation directory (usually
C:\Program Files\prairieFyre Software\CCM\Applications\SalesforceIntegration\).
4. Select the Mitel3300 .xml file and click Open.
The path will be entered in the Call Center Definition File field.
5. Click Import.
6. Before the name of the new call center, click Edit.
The Call Center Edit window opens.
NOTE: We recommend you do not alter any of the general information fields.
7. Under CTI Server Info
• After IP/Name, type the IP address or name of your CTI server.
• After Use SSL, type Yes if the CTI server uses Secure Sockets Layer.
8. Under Lists of available agents, after Queues and Agent Groups to watch, type the reporting
numbers of the queues and agent groups, separated by commas, for which you want to view
NOTE: The maximum number of agent groups or queues you can configure is five.