230 Chapter 7 Real-time Monitors
Reinitialize all of the wall signs in this sign group
The Reinitialize all of the wall signs in this sign group command restarts all of the wall signs in the sign group
instantly, clearing all of the sign memory.
Apply to all of the sign groups at this site
The Apply to all of the sign groups at this site command applies the configuration values on the Advanced tab
to all of the sign groups at the site.
At the Sign level, you
• Configure sign information on the Add sign tab.
• Configure sign connectivity information on the Connectivity tab.
• Reset the wall sign and send a test message to the wall sign on the Tools tab.
• Add signs to your sign groups by clicking Add=>Sign.
Add sign tab
The Add sign tab provides the following functions:
The Name field specifies the name of the sign.
Sign address
The Sign address field specifies the address of the wall sign. Each wall sign has a unique address. You use a
keypad provided with the master sign to set the internal addresses of your signs. The addresses distinguish
wall signs for messaging purposes. If you have one wall sign only, its address is 00. If you have more than one
wall sign, then the address of the master sign is 01.
NOTE: When you assign serial addresses to your Spectrum wall signs using remote or software spectrum
tools, you must specify sign addresses greater than 9 as hexadecimal variants. For example, the following
decimals are converted to hexadecimal: 10 = a, 11 = b, 12 = c, 13 = d, 14 = e, 15 = f.
Sign group
The Sign group field specifies the sign group to which the sign belongs.
Connectivity tab
NOTE: The default data bits, parity bit, and stop bits Com port settings for newer Spectrum IP/Serial wall signs
are 8, None, 1. In the past, the default Com port settings were: 7, Even, 2. If you select one set of Com port
values and the wall sign does not display information, try selecting the other set of Com port values, or refer to
the Spectrum documentation to verify the correct default Com port settings.
The Connectivity tab provides the following functions:
• Com port or TCP/IP specifies the sign connectivity. The default value for Com port is 1.
• The default value for Baud rate is 9600.
• The default value for Data bits is 8.
• The default value for Parity bit is None.
• The default value for Stop bits is 1.
• TCP specifies the TCP/IP address of the wall sign.
• DNS specifies the name you assigned the wall sign on the network.
• Port specifies the port number used by the wall sign.
• Sign memory specifies the memory capacity of the sign (typically 32k).
• Reset this wall sign when it does not respond and at midnight resets the wall sign. When the
WallBoarder Service restarts, it queries the wall sign for the information listed on the sign Diagnostics
tabs. If it does not get an answer, it resets the wall sign.