
268 Chapter 8 Reports
Reporter Inbox options
Report Inbox has the following options.
Report type lists the report name.
Media server defines the media server used in reporting.
Reporting specifies the reporting number of the device or device group as configured on the
telephone system.
Name is the name of the device or device group.
Request date is the date and time the report was generated.
Status field confirms if your report is ready. When Complete appears in the status field the report is
waiting in your Report inbox. When Pending appears, the report is not ready. No data means no
records were available for the parameters you specified. Failed means the report did not generate. If
a report fails, the Report writer logs errors in the NT event log.
View displays reports generated in Microsoft Excel.
Delete deletes reports from your report inbox.
Viewing reports
To view report details
1. Click View Report Inbox (upon submitting a report) or click Report Inbox=>Today’s reports.
2. Select the Automatically refresh this page every 10 seconds check box to automatically update
the Status column.
The Status column indicates if your reports are ready:
• Complete: The report is waiting in your report inbox.
• Pending: The report is not ready.
• No data: No records were available for the parameters you specified.
• Data limit exceeded: The time span selected was too great. Select a shorter time span and re-
generate the report.
• Failed: The report did not generate. If a report fails, Inbox Manager logs errors in the event log.
Clicking Re-submit regenerates the report.
3. Click View to view the report spreadsheet and chart.
Viewing call recordings
If you use Verint or OAISYS call recording integration, you can access call recordings from Lifecycle reports.
Hyperlinks to call recordings are located after the Full Name column of call segments in Lifecycle reports.
(See Figure 8-4.)
• When you access a Verint call recording from a Lifecycle report, you are not required to enter log in
• The OAISYS Tracer supports the use of non-administrative user accounts to access call recordings.
We recommend you create one non-administrative user account on the Tracer system and provide
the log in credentials to all employees who require access to call recordings.
• When you first access the OAISYS system from the link provided in Lifecycle reports, you are
presented with a log in screen. You must enter a valid set of credentials and ensure that the "Auto
Login" check box is selected. This will ensure you provide your credentials the first time you access a
call recording only. Close Internet Explorer and click the link in the Lifecycle report again to access
the call recording.