
Setting up Intelligent Queue 439
Creating verified collected digits plans
NOTE: Intelligent Queue cannot read words. For Verified collected digits action plans, you must use string
values that represent numbers. (String values are numbers that are not mathematically manipulated.) Ensure
that all columns included in your SQL statement are string type columns. If you do not use string type
columns, the query will not run successfully. The readback values must also be strings, between -999,999.999
and 999,999.999.
Intelligent Queue can respond to callers' inquiries in one of four ways: produce an action based on a true
response, produce an action based on a false response, send the caller to a dialable number, or read back
After customers press telephone digits, Intelligent Queue can read back the digits and read values accessed
from a database in all supported language (US English, UK English, NA French, EU French, EU Spanish, LA
Spanish, or Dutch). Dollars, cents, euros, pence, pounds, negative numbers, and decimal numbers, although
supported in all languages, are provided in US English and UK English only. You must record your own .wav
files if you want them in additional languages.
Digit read back
If you want your customers to hear a number one digit at a time, Intelligent Queue now gives you that option.
Generally, digit read back is preferred for phone numbers and account numbers. Instead of reading back “nine
hundred eighty-seven,” Intelligent Queue digit read back states “nine, eight, seven.” Digit read back is
available in all supported languages.
Digit read back for verification
With an advanced verified collected digits query, Intelligent Queue verifies the digits customers press. For
example, after pressing the digits of an extension, customers will hear “You have entered nine, eight, seven.”
You can configure Intelligent Queue to permit customers to change their digit selection after read back.
Database value read back
Intelligent Queue, using the verified collected digits action plan, compares digits customers press to a list in a
database. For example, you create a database table that contains two columns: the customers' account
numbers and the customers' bank balances. Next you create a verified collected digits action plan that
collects the account numbers. The advanced query first checks the account numbers column. If the account
numbers column contains the digits pressed, the query checks the account balance for that row and Intelligent
Queue will audibly state the customer's account balance. “Your account balance is nine hundred eighty-
Previously collected digits
With Previously collected digits, customers dial the requested digits just once, but can perform many actions
that depend on the digits. For example, customers who provide a bank account number once can perform
many future actions which depend upon that account number, without having to reenter the account number
You can create a verified collected digits plan in four steps:
1. Select the type of collected digits
2. Configure ODBC database parameters
3. Select an action to take
Before you create a verified collected digits plan, you must create an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
connection to a valid data source.