SMDR Inspector 299
The search result tabs consist of the following:
• SMDR search results
• Exception results
Starting SMDR Inspector
To start SMDR Inspector on the client computer
1. Start Internet Explorer and type your Enterprise Server IP address http://[your Enterprise Server IP
2. Type your username and password and click Submit.
3. Click Tools=>Data mining=>SMDR Inspector.
Running searches in SMDR Inspector
When you run a search, SMDR Inspector searches through the raw telephone system data on the local hard
drive. Each search requires the following information:
Select dates/Delete dates
The Select dates button specifies the date range within which you want to search. The Delete dates button
deletes days within the range you selected. The date is displayed month first, then day, then year.
Select media servers
The Select media servers check boxes specify the origin of the data used in the search. Currently you can
search on telephone activity only. In the future, you will be able to search on email, chat, and fax activity.
In addition to the date and media server parameters, SMDR Inspector has the following search criteria tabs:
• Call parties
• Call types
• Options
Call parties criteria for searches
The Call parties criteria helps you to find call events such as, what calls an agent received (Called party), what
calls an agent made (Calling party), or what extension the call was transferred to (Third party). (See Figure
The Call parties tab search options are as follows.
Digits dialed
The Digits dialed box specifies the queue number of the queue that picks up the call (for inbound calls).
The ANI digits box specifies the area code and telephone number for an inbound call. The search results
contain records that match the data the user typed in the ANI field.
The DNIS digits box specifies the phone number the caller dialed. The DNIS could be product specific, or it
could specify demographic variables or marketing targets.
The Account Code box specifies the Account Code number used in the search. Agents enter Account Code
numbers to tag inbound and outbound calls.
Outbound calls
The Outbound calls box specifies telephone number the agent dials (for outbound calls).