
WallBoarder 233
Sign plans
The WallBoarder Service displays messages in the following order:
1. Priority messages
2. Business-hour messages
3. Scheduled messages
4. Sign plan messages
5. Default sign plan message
At the Sign plan level, you
• Create a sign plan.
• Associate the sign plan with a sign group.
• Specify up to five statements (conditions) for the sign plan on the Add sign plan tab.
• Specify the hours of operation for your business on the Business hours tab.
• Schedule messages to be displayed on the Scheduled messages tab.
When you configure a sign plan, you can configure up to five messages for a sign group. The conditions, or
values, of variables dictate which message strings WallBoarder displays, and the priority in which WallBoarder
displays them. If none of the conditions are satisfied, WallBoarder displays the default message on all of the
wall signs. The default message can be a message congratulating agents, or informing them of an upcoming
meeting or other need-to-know information.
Add sign plan tab
The Add sign plan tab provides the following functions:
Name specifies the name of the sign plan.
Sign group specifies the sign group to which the sign plan applies.
If check boxes activate conditional messages. You can specify up to five statements (conditions).
Conditions dictate which message strings WallBoarder displays, and the priority in which
WallBoarder displays them.
Sign variable specifies the sign variable to display for the current (active) condition.
Evaluates to specifies the value, above or below which, WallBoarder displays the message string
associated with the sign variable for the current condition.
Play message specifies the sign message to display for the current (active) condition.
Beep programs the wall sign to produce an audible beep prior to displaying a message for a satisfied
Default message to play if no variables have triggered a message to play specifies a default message
to display on the wall sign. WallBoarder displays the message during periods when the defined
conditions (“If” statements) are not satisfied for the sign group. That is, when call center performance
objectives are being met.
Business hours tab
The Business hours tab provides the following functions:
Outside business hours display this message specifies which message is displayed on the wall signs
after business hours.
Business-hours schedule for this sign plan specifies the hours of the day for the sign plan
Manage schedule creates and edits business hour schedules.
Apply this business-hours schedule to all of the sign plans at this site applies the schedule to all of the
sign plans at your contact center site.