Adding resilient and/or Network ACD hot desking agents 159
Associating DNIS to DNIS groups (in the Contact Center Management website)
To associate a DNIS with a DNIS group
1. In Contact Center Management, click YourSite=>Configuration.
2. On the configuration menu, click DNIS=>DNIS Group.
3. Across from the DNIS group to which you want to associate DNIS, click Members.
The Edit DNIS group members window appears.
4. Under Available DNIS, select the check boxes of the members to be added to the DNIS group and
click Add selected >>.
5. Click Save.
Adding Account Codes
Account Codes can be verified, non-verified, or forced.
• Verified and Non-Verified Account Codes
Verified and Non-Verified Account Codes allow callers to complete a call without entering a code.
These codes are used to categorize calls or portions of calls. You define Account Codes in the
YourSite database to generate reports for specific departments, services, and companies. For
example, an agent who receives calls for three catalog companies enters Account Code 01 for calls
to company X, Account Code 02 for calls to company Y, and Account Code 03 for calls to company Z.
When you configure the Account Codes, Contact Center Management generates reports on the
number, origin, and handling of calls for each of the departments, services, or companies.
• Forced Account Codes
Both Verified and Non-Verified Account Codes can be forced. With Forced Verified Account Codes,
you must enter the Account Code as soon as the phone is off-hook. With Forced Non-Verified
Account Codes, you must enter the Account Code after you dial the phone number.
For example, you might have 03 programmed on the telephone system as the trunk access code for
calling England. Before you make a call to England, you must preface the telephone number with the
Account Code 03, otherwise the call will not go through. To report on these verified Account Codes,
you define them in the YourSite database.
NOTE: If you will used forced account codes and have a Make Busy button programmed on your Mitel phone
set, you must remove the Make Busy button, or forced account codes will not work with Interactive Contact
Center and Contact Center PhoneSet Manager.
You can add Account Codes for individual departments, projects, and services and generate reports on them.
Agents can tag incoming calls with Account Codes for various services. Agents who work for companies that
use Call Accounting can use Account Codes to gain access to outside lines.
If you are adding Account Codes to be used by voice agents, you print a copy of your telephone system
assignment forms to use as a guide for programming. If you are adding Account Codes to be used by email,
SMS, chat, or fax agents, you enter Account Code reporting numbers of your choice.
You can label Account Codes as call classification codes. This option associates the entire handling time to
calls of this Account Code type. This option is available for contact centers that have the 3300 ICP only.
If you have an SX-200 or SX-2000, you add Account Codes in Contact Center Management,
If you have a 3300 ICP, 5000 or Axxess, you add Account Codes in YourSite Explorer.