
CTI Developer Toolkit
NOTE: If you require the calculations used to populate Contact Center Management and Call Accounting
reports to use in your custom application built with the CTI Developer Toolkit, a subset of these calculations
can be found in the Advanced Data Access Guide, which can be found at
Mitel Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Developer Toolkit is a programmable .NET C# Dynamic-link
library (DLL) that can be used in any .NET 3.5 SP1 application or website. The CTI Developer Toolkit
completes the migration from Mitel Agent Portal to Mitel Contact Center Screen Pop.
The CTI Developer Toolkit is offered in two forms: server side and client side license. The server side license
provides the ability to insert custom real-time IVR collected data to each incoming call. It also uses the
Contact Center Screen Pop infrastructure to deliver third-party data to agent desktops (using either the client
side license or Contact Center PhoneSet Manager). The client side license provides basic telephony functions
(answer, hang up, transfer, and hold), provides agent control (such as set/remove Make Busy) and delivers
caller information such as ANI, DNIS, Collected Digits, and call notes in real time as calls arrive. The client
side license may be used to display information in CRM, Microsoft Outlook, or custom applications.
For installation information and procedures, see "Installing the CTI Developer Toolkit" in the Contact Center
Management Installation Guide.
NOTE: Once you have installed the CTI Developer Toolkit, typically to <installation_drive>:\Program
Files\prairieFyre Software Inc\CTI Developer Toolkit, you can access the DLLs required to create customized
applications in the CTI Developer Toolkit\Redist folder. You must include the entire Redist folder with your final
compiled custom application or it will not function properly.
The CTI Developer Toolkit includes a number of sample applications, including source code, that can be used
to test CTI Developer Toolkit functionality. For a complete overview of the sample applications included, see
“CTI Developer Toolkit sample applications” on page 587.
The CTI Developer Toolkit is currently available with the following functionality:
• Connect and disconnect from the Contact Center Management Enterprise Server with user
• Retrieve devices from the Contact Center Management configuration database, based on all
• All agent devices for the user currently logged on to the system
• All agent devices associated with employees
• All extensions
• All queues
• Set real-time monitors on agents, extensions, and queues to receive notification when
• A call is received (including call detail information)
• A device state changes (for example, idle, ACD, and hold)
• Set phone monitors on agents and extensions to receive notification when
• A call is received (including call detail notification)
• A call is made
• A call is cleared
• A call is transferred
• A call is conferenced
• A call is established
• A call fails