
Callback and recording plans 467
Configuring web callbacks in Windows Server 2003
To configure web callbacks in Windows Server 2003
1. Log on to the Intelligent Queue server.
2. Browse to the Intelligent Queue installation directory (<drive>:\Program Files\Mitel Networks\6160).
3. Copy the WebCallbackExample folder to a folder on your IIS Server.
4. To modify the web callback page to display your company logo and slogan, see “Customizing your
Web Callback page” on page 484.
5. On the Intelligent Queue server, click Start=>Administrative Tools=>Internet Information Services
(IIS) Manager.
6. Expand <computer_name> (local computer).
7. Expand the Web Sites folder.
8. Right-click Default Web Site and select New=>Virtual Directory...
The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard opens.
9. Click Next >.
10. Under Alias, type webcallback and click Next >.
11. Browse to the VBDotNet folder (<drive>:\Program Files\Mitel
Networks\6160\WebCallbackExamples\VBDotNet) and click OK.
12. Click Next >.
13. Under Allow the following permissions, select Run scripts (such as ASP) and Execute (such as
ISAPI applications or CGI) and click Next >.
14. Click Finish.
15. Browse to the VBDotNet folder (<drive>:\Program Files\Mitel
Networks\6160\WebCallbackExamples\VBDotNet) and open Web.config.
16. In the string value=“http//localhost/6160/CallbackWebService.asmx”, replace localhost with the
computer name or the IP address of the Intelligent Queue server.
17. In the string value=“webCallback”, replace webCallback with the name of the callback plan you
configured in Intelligent Queue.
18. Click File=>Save and close the Web.config file.
Configuring web callbacks in Windows Server 2008
To configure web callbacks in Windows Server 2008
1. Log on to the Intelligent Queue server.
2. Browse to the Intelligent Queue installation directory (<drive>:\Program Files\Mitel Networks\6160).
3. Copy the WebCallbackExample folder to a folder on your IIS Server.
4. To modify the web callback page to display your company logo and slogan, see “Customizing your
Web Callback page” on page 484.
5. On the Intelligent Queue server, click Start=>Administrative Tools=>Internet Information Services
(IIS) Manager.
6. Expand <computer_name> (local computer).
7. Expand the Sites folder.
8. Right-click Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory...
The Add Virtual Directory dialog box opens.
9. Under Alias type webcallback.
10. Under Physical path: browse to <drive>:\Program Files\Mitel
Networks\6160\WebCallbackExamples\VBDotNet and click OK.
11. Browse to the VBDotNet folder (<drive>:\Program Files\Mitel
Networks\6160\WebCallbackExamples\VBDotNet) and open Web.config.
12. In the string value=“http//localhost/6160/CallbackWebService.asmx”, replace localhost with the
computer name or the IP address of the Intelligent Queue server.
13. In the string value=“webCallback”, replace webCallback with the name of the callback plan you
configured in Intelligent Queue.
14. Click File=>Save and close the Web.config file.