
256 Chapter 8 Reports
Chat reports
Chat reports provide detailed information about Chat performance. Chat reports can be generated on the
following devices: Agent, Agent Group, Queue, and Queue Group. You can generate these reports if you are
licensed for Multimedia Contact Center Chat.
Fax reports
Fax reports provide detailed information about fax performance. Fax reports can be generated on the
following devices: Agent and Agent Group. You can generate these reports if you are licensed for Multimedia
Contact Center Fax.
Multimedia reports
Multimedia reports provide detailed information across media types: Voice, Email/SMS, Chat, and Fax.
Multimedia reports can be generate on the following devices: Employee Group and Queue. You can generate
these reports if you are licensed for Multimedia Contact Center.
Intelligent Queue reports
Intelligent Queue reports provide detailed information about Intelligent Queue performance. Intelligent Queue
reports can be generated on Smart Choice Layers and Smart Choice Ports. You can generate these reports if
you are licensed for Intelligent Queue.
Workforce Scheduling reports
Workforce Scheduling reports provide detailed information about schedules. Schedule reports can be
generated on Agents and Agent Groups. You can generate these reports if you are licensed for Workforce
Real-Time Schedule Adherence reports
Real-Time Schedule Adherence reports provide detailed information about schedule adherence. Schedule
adherence can be generated on Employee Groups. You can generate these reports if you are licensed for
Intelligent Queue.
Call Accounting reports
Contact Center Management with Call Accounting reports provide detailed information about Agent and
Queue call costing. The remaining Call Accounting and Subscriber Services reports can be found in the Call
Accounting Reports Guide.
Custom Reports
Custom Reports are a collection of reports developed based on specific customer requests. You can generate
these reports if your Contact Center Management license includes this type of report.
Traffic Analysis Reports
Traffic Analysis Reports provide detailed information about trunk traffic.
Recommended top-five reports
prairieFyre recommends every contact center use the following top-five reports:
Queue Performance by Period
The Queue Performance by Period report shows traffic level highs and lows and the Service Level you
provide at these times. Generate this report each day and watch for trends in the traffic level, abandon rate,
and Service Level.
Queue Group Performance by Queue
The Queue Group Performance by Queue report compares queues and provides information on the
performance of your entire contact center.