560 Chapter 20 Multimedia Contact Center
Verifying real-time server connection parameters
The real-time server connection parameters specify the IP address and port number used by Multimedia
Contact Center. Multimedia Contact Center uses the same IP address as the Enterprise Server and the same
port number as Contact Center Client.
To verify Multimedia Contact Center Server connection parameters
1. In Outlook, click Tools=>Options and select the Multimedia Contact Center tab.
See Figure 20-3.
2. Under IP address, type the IP address of the Enterprise Server.
You can find the IP address under YourSite=>Enterprise on the Enterprise tab.
3. Under Port number, type the real-time port number.
You can find the real-time port number under YourSite=>Enterprise, on the Enterprise tab.
CAUTION: If you select SSL, ensure the IP address is the one you used when applying the SSL
4. If you use Secure Socket Layer, select SSL.
5. Click OK.
Figure 20-3 Multimedia Contact Center tab