314 Chapter 10 Data-mining Tools
To export the search results
1. Click Save search.
The Inspector Search Results Export window opens.
2. Select the format in which you want the search results saved: HTML, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft
Access, XML, or Text.
3. Click Next.
4. Click the ellipses to select the location where you want to save the file.
5. After File name, type the file name.
6. Click Save.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Next to confirm the format in which you want to save the file and the location of the file.
A window opens with the message “Inspector Search Results export to [export type] complete.”
9. Click OK.
10. Click Finish.
A window opens with the message “Would you like to view/open this file now?”
11. If you want to view the file immediately, click Yes.
The file opens.
Using Contact Center Auditor you can view historical, multimedia real-time events, at your own pace. Auditor
makes it easy for you to analyze when and why past service problems occurred. You can see a series of
events that led to a problem and analyze when and why it occurred. In the future, you will be able to recognize
when another problem is about to occur.
For example, you notice that on July 15 you have 12 contacts abandon between 10:00 AM and 10:15 AM. You
can review the contacts and the agents’ actions on that date for that time period with Auditor. Did all of the
contacts arrive at the same time? Did all of the agents go on break at the same time? If all of the contacts
arrived at once, you need to schedule more people. If all of the agents went on break at the same time, you
need to adjust their break schedule.
Using Auditor you can also track when employees log on and log off the system. It is easy to determine if any
of the employees consistently start late or finish early.
The first tool bar consists of real-time monitors that provide information on agent availability, queue statistics,
and graphic displays on queues. (See Figure 10-16.)
Using Auditor, you can use existing profiles, including alarm thresholds, when viewing past days run in real-
Figure 10-16 Auditor