
116 Chapter 6 Configuration
• We recommend you do not exchange the reporting number of one device with that of another device.
• Synchronization will not synchronize a device being added to the YourSite database with the
telephone system if the device has the same reporting number as an existing device with a different
dialable number.
• If you are synchronizing a single telephone system, agents and queues must be programmed on the
same telephone system. Single node synchronization can disassociate agents and queues if agents
and queues reside on separate telephone systems.
• If you are running 3300 ICP Release 9.x or earlier and you synchronized your network ACD
assignments and/or resilient agents using OPS Manager, you must synchronize all of the 3300 ICPs
in your enterprise. Otherwise, agent group and queue group associations will be lost.
To perform full synchronization
1. In YourSite Explorer, under Enterprise, click Media servers.
2. Select a 3300 ICP or a 5000/Axxess media server from the list.
3. Click the Telephone system tab.
4. In the ribbon, specify the settings to use with synchronization.
See “Specifying synchronization settings” on page 115.
5. In the ribbon, click Run.
The Synchronization window opens.
6. Select the media servers to synchronize.
7. Ensure Full synchronization is selected.
8. If this is the first time you have run synchronization, click Synchronize and continue to step 11. If you
have already run full synchronization, click Next.
9. Optionally, select the telephone system media servers and devices to include with synchronization.
All media servers and devices are selected by default.
10. Specify how you would like to proceed with synchronization:
Synchronize—selecting this option will synchronize the devices programmed on the telephone
system and enable you to review all entries and optionally exclude any devices before
committing them to YourSite Explorer. If you select this option, continue to step 11.
Save settings—selecting this option will save the device settings you specified to be used for
the next scheduled or on-demand synchronization. If you select this option, the synchronization
window will close.
Cancel—selecting this option will cancel the synchronization. No changes will be made to
YourSite database or the telephone systems. If you select this option, the synchronization
window will close.
Auto commit—selecting this option and clicking Synchronize will synchronize the devices
programmed on the telephone systems and automatically commit them to YourSite Explorer.
There will be no opportunity for you to review the entries and optionally exclude any devices
before committing them to YourSite Explorer.
11. When the synchronization report displays, you have the following three options:
Commit—selecting this option will commit the specified changes and synchronize telephone
system devices with YourSite Explorer.
Cancel—selecting this option will cancel the specified changes. No devices will be
synchronized and the synchronization window will close.
Edit—selecting this option will rerun synchronization and enable you to modify the devices to be
included in synchronization. If you select this option, return to step 9.
If this is the first time you have run synchronization, any telephone system errors and warnings will
display in the synchronization report. You can correct any errors or warnings found in this report by
clicking Edit, clicking the Telephone system settings tab and changing the telephone systems settings
to the recommended settings. If this is not the first time you have run synchronization, the
synchronization window will close once it is complete and you can review any telephone system
setting errors and warnings on by selecting a media server in YourSite Explorer and clicking the
Telephone system settings tab.