300 Chapter 10 Data-mining Tools
Call parties
The Calling party box specifies the extension or agent number (for an outbound call), or the trunk number (for
an inbound call) used in the search.
The Called party box specifies the answering extension or the trunk number (for an outbound call) used in the
The Third party box searches for call records on the extension number used in a transfer.
Call identification
The Call identification box specifies the Mitel call IDs assigned to a call segment.
The Sequence ID box specifies the sequence number assigned to the call record by the telephone system.
The Associated ID box specifies the number attached to associated data records of the call assigned by the
telephone system.
Figure 10-9 SMDR search criteria - Call parties tab
Call types criteria for searches
The Call types tab displays the types of calls the agent receives, for example, ACD or non-ACD, abandoned,
interflowed, requeued, unavailable, or outbound calls. (See Figure 10-10.)