
ACD Inspector 291
To run an Agent events search
1. Click Tools=>Datamining=>ACD Inspector.
The Agent events tab of the ACD Inspector criteria tab opens.
2. Click Select dates and select March 3, 2003 to March 5, 2003.
3. Under Select media servers, Phone is preselected.
When you run a search on Agent answer ACD, type the Agent ID but do not type the agent’s
extension. Once answered, an ACD call is not pegged as an extension but is pegged as ACD. You
will get no data if you type the agent’s extension.
You can find the Agent ID by selecting YourSite=>Configuration=>Agent login=>Agent login. The
Agent ID is located under the Agent login ID heading. Ensure you select the Agent ID associated with
the Phone media server.
4. Under Agent information, type the Agent ID, 2005.
5. Under Agent events, if you are not selecting all events, clear Select all.
6. Select the Agent event(s) you want to search on, in this case, Agent answer ACD, Set Make Busy,
and Remove Make Busy.
7. You can leave the ACD queue blank.
8. Click Start search.
The ACD Inspector results - Agent events tab opens.
Agent events search results
This section describes the records produced when you run searches in ACD Inspector. Table 10-2 describes
the ACD information provided by the Agent events tab. The Agent events tab displays the ACD activity and
the Make Busy activity for agent 2005. (See Figure 10-4.)