
C H A P T E R 5 Accessing the Switch
Configuring and Using SNTP
To use SNTP:
1 Identify the host(s) that are configured as NTP server(s).
2 Identify the preferred method for obtaining NTP updates.
The options are for the NTP server to send out broadcasts,
or for switches using NTP to query the NTP server(s)
directly. A combination of both methods is possible.
3 Configure the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset and day-
light saving time preference. NTP updates are distributed
using GMT time.
To properly display the local time in logs and other
timestamp information, the switch should be configured with
the appropriate offset to GMT based on geographical
location. Table 5.11 describes GMT offsets.
The command syntax to configure GMT offset and usage of
daylight saving time is as follows:
configure timezone <GMT_offset> {autodst |
The GMT_OFFSET is in +/
- minutes from the GMT
time. You can enable or
disable Automatic daylight
saving time (DST)
changes. The default
setting is enabled.
4 Enable the SNTP client using this command:
enable sntp-client
Once enabled, the switch sends out a periodic query to the
NTP servers (if configured) or listens to broadcast NTP
updates from the network. The network time information is
automatically saved in the on-board real-time clock.
5 If you would like this switch to use a directed query to the
NTP server, configure the switch to use the NTP server(s). If
the switch listens to NTP broadcasts, skip this step. To config-
ure the 480T routing switch to use a directed query, use this
configure sntp-client [primary | secondary]
server [<ip_address> | <hostname>]
NTP queries are first sent to the primary server. If the
primary server does not respond within one second, or if it is
not synchronized, the switch queries the secondary server (if